
Effects of methadone maintenance therapy onsexual function indrugdependent men

Afshin AhmadvandAfshin Ahmadvand, Zahra SepehrmaneshZahra Sepehrmanesh,*, Rezvan SaeiRezvan Saei, SeyedGholamAbass MoosaviSeyedGholamAbass Moosavi

Koomesh:Vol. 17, issue 4; 796-802
Published online:Sep 28, 2016
Article type:Research Article
Received:May 06, 2014
Accepted:Feb 01, 2016
How to Cite:Afshin AhmadvandZahra SepehrmaneshRezvan SaeiSeyedGholamAbass MoosaviEffects of methadone maintenance therapy onsexual function indrugdependent men.17(4):e151170.



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