Effects of high intensity aerobic and anaerobic training on the normal healthy people memory functions


avatar mohammd rashidi , * , avatar A. li Rashidy-Pour , avatar GholamHasan Vaezi , avatar Raheb Ghorbani ORCID

How To Cite? rashidi M, Rashidy-Pour A L, Vaezi G, Ghorbani R. Effects of high intensity aerobic and anaerobic training on the normal healthy people memory functions. koomesh. 2016;17(3):e151223. 


Introduction: The evidence indicates that physical activity increases memory and ability to learn in human and animal. That is to say, the brain remarkably responds to exercise. The purpose of this study was to compare the effect of anaerobic and aerobic exercises on memory. Materials and Methods: In this study, ninety male participant students were randomly divided into 3groups of 30. The task for the first group was 3 aerobic exercises (treadmill with intensity of %60-%70 HR max ) for 60 minutes per week for 8 weeks. The second group was trained for anaerobic exercise (treadmill with intensity of %75-%85 HR max), whereas the third was the control group, who performed no exercises and no intervention/interferences. After trainings, all ninety students were participated in a memory test at the IQ TEST lab. This test was conducted both at the beginning and the end of program to evaluate their memory function in the terms of Wechsler Test/ on the basis of Wechsler Test. Results: Wechsler fragment tests/subtests before and after aerobic and anaerobic exercises showed the effects of aerobic training (15.50 ± 5.41), anaerobic training (17.00 ±4.89) and the control group (2.13 ±1.96) on the change in memory function. The variation of memory scores between each of aerobic and anaerobic trained subjects with control group was significant (P


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