Mode of acceptance and improve standards for control of hepatitis B virus infection by health care workers


avatar Mohammad Hossein Delshad , avatar Alireza Hidarnia , * , avatar Shamsodin Niknami

How To Cite Delshad M H, Hidarnia A , Niknami S. Mode of acceptance and improve standards for control of hepatitis B virus infection by health care workers. koomesh. 2014;16(1):e151282. 


 Introduction: A hepatitis B virus infection-control standard of acceptance and use by health care workers is important.  The aim of this study was to determine how to improve the level of compliance and infection control standards in three areas before, during and after exposure to risky job.  Materials and Methods: A descriptive study, over 135 health care workers was conducted. A two-stage cluster sampling method was used. The data, produced by the leaves list to see subtle performance, points gained 7 operating records and review them with the desired range, relatively favorable and unfavorable to the chi-square test, correlation and Friedman SPSS for analysis data were analyzed. Results: Hepatitis B virus infection-control staff about admissions criteria, respectively, in the two areas one with 59.35 %, 7 domains of factor 3 with 48.88 % and the 4 domains 2 with 45.92 % in the most favorable performance were. The cure rate standards in the average rating scores it is evident (P