Effects of eccentric and concentric exercises on postural sway in type 2 diabetic patients


avatar Abdolhamid Hajihasani , * , avatar Farid Bahrpeyma , avatar Amirhoshang Bakhtiari

How To Cite? Hajihasani A, Bahrpeyma F, Bakhtiari A. Effects of eccentric and concentric exercises on postural sway in type 2 diabetic patients. koomesh. 2016;17(2):e151369. 


Introduction: Around 7% of world population is suffering from diabetes and its widespread complications. There are several studies discussing the beneficial effects of aerobic and resistance exercises on postural sway in type 2 diabetic patients. However, the effects of eccentric exercise on displacement and speed of displacement the center of pressure in these patients have not been studied yet. This study was designed to compare the effect of eccentric and concentric exercises on kinetic indices in type 2 diabetic patients. Materials and Methods: Patients with type 2 diabetes (n = 28) with a mean of 51.79 years of age (male and female), who referred to the neuromuscular rehabilitation research center of Semnan University of Medical Science, were assigned randomly in either of two experimental eccentric or concentric groups. Before and after intervention, displacement and speed of displacement the center of pressure in anteroposterior and mediolateral directions were measured. Results: Eccentric exercise training significantly reduced displacement the center of pressure in anteroposterior (P = 0.016) and mediolateral (P = 0.005) directions and speed of displacement in anteroposterior (P = 0.020) and mediolateral (P = 0.037) directions, in compare to concentric exercise. Conclusion: Our findings suggest that eccentric exercise is more effective than concentric exercise in improving the postural sway in type 2 diabetic patients.