Study of educational needs of 12-14 years old girls about adolescent health and determines appropriate and effective strategies for adolescent health education
How To Cite
H, Jandaghi
J, RobabAlame
M, Zare
M. Study of educational needs of 12-14 years old girls about adolescent health and determines appropriate and effective strategies for adolescent health education. koomesh. 2000;1(2):e151899.
Introduction. Adolescent educati on especially to girls is one of the importa nt health care priorities. The aims of this study were to determine educati on al needs a nd th e appro priate strategies of adolescent health education of 12-14 years old girl s of Sernnan, Materials and Methods. This intervention al study was done in three stag es: before, during and afte r ed ucational intervention. Two groups were participated in th is st udy: contro l group consists of 370 girls from city of Damghan and case group consi sts of 370 girls from city of Semnan. Results. Comparison of the results before and after educational intervention between two groups showed that gril's knowledge of puberty before intervention was insu fficiant and joined with fa lse beliefs and ide as as well as incorrect imagin ati on, but th e project has re ctifed and de epened the informati on . Also,it has been shown th at th e pro per and effective method of adolescent education information is the strategy of training them via their family espici ally through their mothers. This strategy was accepted by families a nd 85 percent of girls emphasized on this method. According to th e need asse ssment, educa tion al modules prepared for early adolesce nce age group girls. Conclusion. The re sults show th at the cultural obsta cles and difficulties co ncerning family life education can be diminishe d to its minimum, in respect to cultural issues and predisposition and beliefs of pe op le so th at the project su ccess fully implemented. Based on these , to begin girl's eduaction before age 9-10, inclusive educati on to girls in late ado lescence age using the same stra tegy, search to find proper strategy to ed ucate ado lesce nt boys were recommended
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