Evaluation of thyroid fine needle aspiration cytology results of speciemens refered to department of pathology of Semnan medical school (1991-1998)


avatar Afshin MoradiShahrbabak , *

How To Cite MoradiShahrbabak A. Evaluation of thyroid fine needle aspiration cytology results of speciemens refered to department of pathology of Semnan medical school (1991-1998). koomesh. 2000;1(2):e151901. 


Introduction. The high prevalence of thyroid nodules combined with low incidence of malignancy has created a need for an effective screening test. Thyroid fine needle aspiration (FNA) has proved to be one of the most reliable although not perfect preoperative methods for identifiying patients with thyroid disorders. The aim of this study was to evaluate the results of thyroid FNA in speciemens refered to department of pathology of Semnan medical school from 1991-1998. Material and methods. After papanicola staining of previously fixed FNA glassy slides, light microscopic studies were performed. Presence of at least six groups of thyroid epithelial cells which each group composed of 15 to 20 cells was considered as critria of specimen adequancy. Results. 93 out of 240 received speciemen were satisfactory for microscopic examination. 24 cases were diagnostic or suspecious for neoplastic lesions and in 67 cases diagnosis was suggestive for non neoplastic lesions. Conclusion. Numbers of satisfactory speciemens for microscopic examination were much lower than that of others medical centers