Abnormalities of liver function test in hyperthyroidism


avatar Hossein Nobakht , avatar Sahrokh Mosavi , * , avatar Ali RashidiPor

How To Cite Nobakht H, Mosavi S, RashidiPor A. Abnormalities of liver function test in hyperthyroidism. koomesh. 2000;1(4):e151907. 


Introduction. Liver fun ction tests (LFT) ahnornalities are common findings In hype rthyro idism less paid attention in clini ca l practice. The reported prevalen ce of abnormal LFT va ries from 15% to 76% in d ifferent st udies. T he most common is e levation of ALP. These abnormalities may induce disturbance in diagnos is. In this reason. we hav e examined the records of th e hype rthyroid pa t ie nt s were examined In our clinics to det ermin e th e pr eva len ce and possible significance of abnormal LFT in hyp e rthyroid pati ents. Materials and Methods. A re trospectiv e survey of 61 pa tients (25 ma les. 36 fe males) having mean age of 43.4 years(ra nge 11-74 years) a nd co de d diagno sis of gr av es disease . thyrotoxi cosis, toxi c multin odular goite r or hyp erthyroidism referred to Sernnan Fa temiye h general hosp ita l from I