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M, Bibak
B, Daraei
G. The effect of warming Iidocain solultion on the pain of retrobulbar anesthesia. koomesh. 2000;2(1):e151912.
Introduction. Retrobulbar block is one of the choice of local anesthesia for ophta lmic operati ons. The main problem in this technique is the pain during injection of a nesthetic solution , that makes this technique less satis factory for the patient. The aim of this study was to consider the effect of warming lidocain solution on retrobulbar inj e ction induced pain. Material and Methods. Sixty consecutive patients undergoing cataract surgery were randomely divided into two equal warm and cold groups, and received local anesthetic at 20 0 C and 37 0 C, respectively. Standard retrobulbar block was used in all patients. The pain of injection was registered using a n "ordinal analogous scale" before a nd immediately after injection. Results. The results show that pain sensation in warm group was significantly lower th an cold group (P < O.OOOl ). Conclusion.The data indicate that warming the local a nesthetic used in retrobulbar a ne st he sia to body temperature before injection reduces the injection induced pain significantly.Therefore, this method was re commended in retrobulbar anesthesia
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