The effect of piperine on analgesia and naloxone-indued jumping in morphine dependent mice


avatar Ali Akbar Moghadamnia ORCID , * , avatar ElhamSadat Afraz

How To Cite? Moghadamnia A A, Afraz E. The effect of piperine on analgesia and naloxone-indued jumping in morphine dependent mice. koomesh. 2000;2(1):e151914. 


Introduction. Bl a ck pep pe r is usu ally used in Ir an ian tradit ion al medi cin e as a palliative age nt. The a imof th is stu dy wa s to in ve stigat e t he e ffec t of pip erin e , an effect ive agen t in b la c k pe pp e r , on pain sensitivity and a lso ju mping indu ced by naloxone in morphine dependent mice. Materials and Methods, This randomized experimental study wa s p erforme d o n mice .T he animals divided in to contro l (sa line ) and te st (d rug) gr ou ps. Morp hin e was use d to produ ce drug depende ncy by Ma rshall met hod. T a il-fli ck test was used for eva luatio n o f a na lges ic effe ct o f the d ru g. Jumping meth od was us ed fo r me a s uring inte nsity of morphine dependency. Results. T he results show th at different doses of piperin e a lone did not any signifi ca nt e ffe ct o n th e t ail -flick latency, but pretrea tment o f piperine ( 25, 50,75 mg/ kg) significa ntl y poten tia te d the a na lge sic effe ct of morph ine (10 mg/ kg ) o n the tai l-flick la te ncy ( P < 0.(5). Pre treatmen t of piperine (25, 50,75 mg/kg) signifi cantly in cre a se d that the co unts and latency of jumping in morphine-dependent mice in any tested dose , exce pt for dose of 25 mglkg of piperine which had no effec t on jumping latency. Conclusion. The dat a indic ate that piperine itself has no a ny effect on a na lgesia a nd j umping. b u t pote nt ia t e d the e ffe ct o f morphine o n the tail -fli ck latency a n d a lso affec ted morphine dependency