Effects population of pentylenetetrazol-kindling on long-term potentiation of excitatory postsynaptic potential and population spikes in the CAl region of rat hippocampus.


avatar MohammadReza PalizVan , * , avatar Yaghob Fatollahi , avatar Saeid Semnanian , avatar Sohrab HajiZade , avatar Javad MirNajafiZade

How To Cite PalizVan M, Fatollahi Y, Semnanian S, HajiZade S, MirNajafiZade J. Effects population of pentylenetetrazol-kindling on long-term potentiation of excitatory postsynaptic potential and population spikes in the CAl region of rat hippocampus.. koomesh. 2000;2(1):e151918. 


Introduction. The effectiven ess of ii-pattern primed-burst (PBs) for the indu ction of long-term potentiat ion (LTP) of populati on excita tory postsynaptic potenti al (pEPSP) a n d popul a ti o n spi kes (PS ) were inv es tigat e d in hipp o campa l CA l of pentylenetetrazol-kindled rats. Materials and Methods. Ex pe riments we re ca rried out in the co nt rol an d kindle d a nima ls. Fie ld po te nt ia ls (pEPS P a nd PS ) were re corded a t stratum radia tum and stra tum pyramidale fo llowing st imula t io n of th e strat um fibers, res pe ct ivel y. PBs was delivered to stratum fibers and PB potentiation was assessed. Results. Th e results showed th at 48-144 h after kindling PB potentiation in stra tum rad ia tum of kindled a nima ls was not significantly cha nged co mpa re d to co ntro ls. In stratum pyramida le PBs induced LTP in control animals but not in kindled ones. Conclusion . The e ffect is co mpatib le with the hypot hes is that postula te kin dling associated functional de ficit in hippocampus, especially CAl, as an expla na tion for the behavioral deficits seen with the kindling model of epilepsy