Different sites of tympanostomy tubes insertion do not influence their extrusion rate


avatar Habibollah Moghadasi , * , avatar Mohsen VazirNezami

How To Cite Moghadasi H, VazirNezami M. Different sites of tympanostomy tubes insertion do not influence their extrusion rate. koomesh. 2001;2(2):e151923. 


Introduction. One of the most important difficulties in patients requiring myringotomy a nd tympanostomy tube insertion is rapid ext r usio n of the tu be. The a im of this study was to compare extrysi on rate of tym pa nostomy tubes in a nterosupe rio r quadra nt (ASQ) to t hose placed in the a nte ro infe rior quadrant (AIQ). Material and Methods. In a sequential co nt r o l clinica l tr ial on 3S patient s with bilate r alchronicotitis media withe ffusion, using subject s as t he ir own control, in each case, tympan ostomy tubes (similar tubes) were placed in ASQ in the right a nd in AIQ in the left ears. Extrusion rate s of both ea rs in each case were compa red. Results. the results ind ica te th at d ura tion (mea n+SEM) of extr usi o n in the ASQ Vs AI Q were 228.4 ± 69.4 days a nd 22 1.7 ±S9.1 days, respe ctive ly, which ther e wa s no significa ntdifference betwee n the two conditions. Conclusion . From the fo r egoi ng res ults it may be r educed t hat, as fa r as ext rusion is concern ed, it is of no co nseq ue nce whether the tube is inse rted in which quadra nt. We conclude that the location of a myringotomy for insert ion of a tympa nostomy tube should not be determined on expected increased duration of action. Different tube de signs should be considered when prolonged middle ea r ve ntilatio n is desired .