The role of hippocampus and amygdala glucocorticoid receptors in modulation of memory storage process in rats


avatar Abbas Ali Vafaei , avatar Ali RashidiPor , *

How To Cite? Vafaei A A, RashidiPor A. The role of hippocampus and amygdala glucocorticoid receptors in modulation of memory storage process in rats. koomesh. 2001;2(3):e151928. 


This paper is a summary of our recen t findings about the role of hippocampus and basolateral amygdala (BLA) glucocorticoid rece ptors (GRs) in modulating of memory processes in rats . In all experiments, injections of specific glucocorticoid agonist (dexamethasone ) and antagonist (RU 38486) were performed into BLA and hippocampus. The animals were trai ned and tested in Passive and Place Avoidance learning and Morris Water Maze models. Results indicated that pre- or post-training injections of specific glucocorticoid receptor agonist or antagonist enhance or impair memory storage, respectively. Retrieval test was not affected by glucocorticoid receptor agonist or antagonoist injection in BLA or hippocampus. These finding indicate that glucocor ticoid effects on memory consolidation are mediated in part by activation of GRs in the BLA and hippocamus and are in agreement with this general hypothesis that BLA and hippoca mpus integrate hormonal and neuromoduJatory int1uences on memory consolidatio n.