Determining correlation between chronic low back pain and muscular flexibility in pelvic and thigh region


avatar Farahnaz GhafariNezhad , * , avatar Shohre TaghiZade

How To Cite GhafariNezhad F, TaghiZade S. Determining correlation between chronic low back pain and muscular flexibility in pelvic and thigh region. koomesh. 2001;2(3):e151937. 


Introduction . Many factors can produce chron ic low back pain. The purpose of this study was determined correla tion between flexibility of pelvic and thigh muscles and chro nic low back pain. By means of comparison with contro l group. Also, sex as an affect ing factor was studied. Materials and Methods. A total of 160 subjects (81 males and 76 females) with mea n age 41.3 ylo included case group (n =56) with chro nic low back pain and 104 healthy subjec ts as control grou p. Data collect ion was performed by a questionnaire and, measuring of flexibility of 15 muscles in both sides of pelvic and hip region. Statistical analysis was done by t-student and levins-test. Results. The results showed that tlexibility of all muscles in patients with chronic low back pain were less than healthy ones, but only three muscles (erecto r spinae, piriformis, rectus femoris) were significant differences. Also male patients had less flexibility in pelvic and thigh muscles than female patients. Conclusion. Muscular tlexibilityh is decreased in chronic low back pain. Therefore, a neccessory treatment in these patients is improvement of tlexibility and streching techniques