Determination and comparison of the level of using the verbaspect and structure in 2-4.5 years-old normal children in Hamedan


avatar Fateme Kasbi , *

How To Cite Kasbi F. Determination and comparison of the level of using the verbaspect and structure in 2-4.5 years-old normal children in Hamedan. koomesh. 2002;3(1):e151941. 


Introduction: A, verb in persian language includes doer of action, acting and tense, thus it plays an importa nt role in speech. In this study, verb aspect and structure have been stu died in normal children at the ag es 01'2-4.5, on the basis of this investigatio n, inter and intra group comparisons have been done between each variable in diffe rent age gro ups. Method and Materials: This co mparative cross-sect io nal study has been ra ndomly performed on 101 children among the ages of 2-4.5, in 5 age groups. Co lle cti ng the da te has bee n so unding evaluation. The ch ildre n's speech sa mples for ve rb tenses and ve rb in fl ecti onal suffixes co lle cted through spontaneous speech, describing pictu res, completing the incompletese n te nce s, repetition and o pe n-e nded questions. For simple and compound verbs verbcomplexity, verb prefixes (b, n, mil , auxilliary ve rb and imperative ve rbs have been obt ainedthrough the spontaneous speech and describing the pict ures. Data have been a nalysed in th esign ifica nt level o f 5% by using co rr e latio n rate test Pea rson, Kruskal- Wallis. Wilcoxon and Fr iedman. Results: Studies showing, there is a significa nt relation (P = O.OOO) between age and verb co mplexity, va riat io n in verb te nse , in the ve rb inl1ectional suffixe s o n the basi s of person numerati on and au xill iaryverbs in children 's spee ch. But there is not any meaningful relat ion betwee n age, verb suffixes variat ion (b. n, mil and varia tion in imperative verbs. Conclusion: In creasing the age , level of us ing aspect elements, the ve rb structure except impe rative verbs , verb prefixes (b,n) and past tense verbs will be increased in children's speech. Hence . the acq uir ed results can be used, in othe r words, as a part o f the rules o f languagc development in the field of langu age and speech pathology and. on the other ha nd, the text of the children books in this agc grou p sho uld be reevalua ted on the basis of the obtained findings.