Diagnosis of allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis in asthmatic patients


avatar Kamran Vershokar , *

How To Cite Vershokar K. Diagnosis of allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis in asthmatic patients. koomesh. 2002;3(1):e151942. 


Introduction: Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA) is an immune disease due to Aspe rgillus antigens which can cause allergic reactions as well as intensive inllam atory reactions in dee p parts of pulmonary system in human. In the present study, 147 pat ient s with asthma th at refered to Dr. Shariati hospital and mycology center of the faculty of health in Tehran university of medical sciences have been investigated for the prob ability of ABPA cases. Material and Methods: Pa tients were examined by physician and afte r co nfirma tio n of asthma. th eir bloo d samples were used fo r staining and WBe counting. Blood se ra were also used for estimation of total IgE amount and antib ody precipitation tests . ~I so we evaluated skin prick test to commercial antigen of Aspergillus fumigatus. Sputum samples were used for direct examinat ion and fungal culture methods. Results: ABPA disease found in 6 patient s and 3 other patients recognized as allergic asthma due to Aspergillus agents. The whole 4% of the patients indicated as ABPA cases, match ed with the area situation in Iran. Conclusion: On the basis of these findings, more investigations fo r ABPA cases in asthmatic patients are recommended