A comparative study on the anticonvulsive effects of the aqueous extrract ot the Rosmarinus officinalis plant with phenobarbitaln pentylentetrazol-induced seizures in mice


avatar Mohammad Taher Boroushaki , * , avatar Farhad Malek , avatar Abolghasem Baharloo

How To Cite Boroushaki M T, Malek F, Baharloo A. A comparative study on the anticonvulsive effects of the aqueous extrract ot the Rosmarinus officinalis plant with phenobarbitaln pentylentetrazol-induced seizures in mice. koomesh. 2002;3(1):e151944. 


Introduction: The co nvulsive dis orders are among chro nic diseases, whic h usu ally need a long-term drug the rapy. Unfortunately, most of the drugs used clinically to treat disorde rs exer t many side effects. Therefore, searc h fo r finding new drugs is being carried o ut in many laboratories. The object of this research is a comparative study on the anticonvulsive effect of the aqueo us ext ract o f the plan t R osmarinu s offici na li s wit h p he no barbital in pentyleneterazol-induced seizures in mice. Materials and Methods: After acclimatizatio n, animals were randomly divided in different groups. Control group received normal saline (6 ml/kg), stan dard groups received (10, 20, 30 and 40 mg/kg ) phenobarbital and the test groups received aqueous plant extract (3, 6, 9 and 12 nil/kg). All injections were carried out as i.p. All animals were firstly exposed to pentylentetrazol (80 mg/kg, i.p). The onset of seizures, behaviora l changes, duration of the seizures and number of death were reco rded in all groups during the first 24 hours . Results: Results showed that all amounts of the plant extr acts delay the onse t of seizures but the most effective dose was 12 ml/kg , which was comparable to pheno ba rbital (30 mg/kg ). All amount of the extract, except 3 ml/kg, significantly reduced the dura tion of seizu res, compared to the contro l group. Number of death was 45, 0 and 10 percent in control, sta ndard and test group respect ively. Conclusion: Findings showed that 12 mllkg of the aqueous plant extract is able to reduce the o nse t o f se izu re s, dur at ion of se izu re s and number o f death a ft er 24 hours in pentylentetrazol-induced seizures.