Maxillary bone containing five well developed teeth in ovarian dermoid cyst


avatar Sohiel GhanadNashri , * , avatar Afshin Moradi

How To Cite GhanadNashri S, Moradi A. Maxillary bone containing five well developed teeth in ovarian dermoid cyst. koomesh. 2002;3(1):e151947. 


The present of too th in dermoid cyst is reported frequently. We report here, one to the rarest cas es of ovaria n cys ts in which located a well recognized maxillary bone cont ai ning five well-formed teeth. It seems th at this is one of the rarest or may be the first reported case with this level of differentiation in derm oid cyst. Mature cyst ic teratoma, which is germ cell ovaria n tumor, includes more th an 20% of all ovarian neoplasi sas. This is the most common ovarian tumor in pe di atric age group and e ar ly reproductive years. Abouth one third of these tumors conti an tooth. Although there are many examples of tooth in teratomas, the exact level of differentiation of fetal germinal layers in these tumors is no t reported. Despite extensive searches in medical literature and re ferences , 'we found no other case with this level of differentiation and it seems to be one of the rarest or the first reported case in the history of medical researches, regarding differ entiation in dermoid cyst