Assesment, isolation and identification of cyclosporin A by gel chromatography, fungicidal activity and spectroscopy


avatar Manochehr Ghorvi , * , avatar Naser Khodaee , avatar Rahim BahriNajafi

How To Cite Ghorvi M, Khodaee N, BahriNajafi R. Assesment, isolation and identification of cyclosporin A by gel chromatography, fungicidal activity and spectroscopy. koomesh. 2002;3(3):e151951. 


Introduction:T .inflatum (To lypocladium inflaturn) is a pr imitive fu ngi tha t rep ro ducts via co nidiu ms. Spors grow up on malt extract cultu re at 6-32nC at wet o r dry medium. Of co urse it is found o f so me othe rs culture wh ich are co nt ain a minoaci ds , min e ra l o r orga n ic ma tt er. Cyclosporin A (Cy A) is the me tabolit e of l.inlla tum. Cy A is an immu nos up press ive d rug. Th e aim o r t hi s s t udy was to promo te pr oductio n o r Cy A by mut at ion via ult raviol et ra dia tio n (UVR) and to find out a suitable med ium for auxotrop hs. Material and Methods: Tolypocladium inflatum (OSM 915), malt extrac t and sabo urd 4% dextrose aga r, Bactop e pt amine , casein hydrolysate and yeast extract dehydrated. The fungi was cultivate d for 10-20 days duration o n a medium contains 2% malt extract, 4% yeas t extrac t and 20% aga r at pH 5.7 . Ex trac tio n was car ried o ut by gel chromatograp hy. For mu ta t ion o f t he fungi. UVR was used. and for identification of Cy A fungicidal, ultraviolet. visible and infra -red spec tros co py were methods of choice. Results: Whi te ve lvey co lo nie s we re co llected from the medium of agar and malt ext ra ct. Samples and fra ctions of gel chromatography extraction showed an tifungal act ivity o n aspergillus niger. UItr avi ol et vis ible spec t rosco py gave Amax si mila r to tha t o f s t a nda rcd a nd infr a- re dspec tra was similar to the standa red spec tra. Conclusion: Auxotrophic str ains we re cultivated on synthe tic and raw mediums. Finally the high produ ct ion of Cy A was produced of sugar fact roy and hogwas h of corn oil press ing tac troy, at a dark place.