First internal evaluation of microbiology, parasitology and immunology department in Semnan university of medical ciences


avatar Bizhan SedigiMoghadam , * , avatar Ramin Pazoki

How To Cite SedigiMoghadam B, Pazoki R. First internal evaluation of microbiology, parasitology and immunology department in Semnan university of medical ciences. koomesh. 2002;3(3):e151954. 


Introduction: Depatment o f microbio logy, par asitology and immunol ogy a t the Scmnan university o f medical sci ences designed prot ocol s in whi ch many cr ite r io ns have been determinded for internal evaluation and on th at bas is an internal eva lua tion carried out, so th at the ra nking and the sco re of this de partment in various fields de terminded in orde r to promot dep t.'s qu ality. Material and Methods: By using of the accreditation model and CIPP model, the subjects which shou ld be evaluated wer e dctcrrninded and the charactristics of every desirable co ndition a nd their ind icators co mp lied , so some quest iona ires wit h a five -ranking sc ale (cxcc lc n t, go od , edium, weak and very weak) and the others with a two-ranking scale designed and used . The fields th at would be eva lu at ed we re as fo llow: Goal o f ed uca tio n, teac hing process, res ea rchaims , educationa l sp ace and cquipments, organisation cha r t. E nt ie rly by using 19 different question aires conta ining 341 criter ions, information was obta ined and on the basis of Guorrnan's classification ana lysed. Results: In this eva luation on the basis of Guorrn an 's classificat ion the teachi ng process with score 4.17 in high ranking, the educational goals with score 3.25 in more tha n satisfied ranking, the goals of research with score 2.96 in satisfied ranking, organisation cha rt with score 3,71 in good ranking, per sonal and supp ort ing services with score 2 in unsatisfied ranking, educat ional and research equipment with scor e 3.37 in mor e tha n satisfied ranking wer e determindcd. Conclusion: The ave rage o f sco res of micr ob io lo gy, p ara sit o lo gy a nd immu n ol o gy department , in all evalu a ted fie lds was 3.37: t hus o n the basis of Guorrnans ra n king thi s dep artment is in highe r sat istied ranking