Survey of the streptococcal pharyngitis prevalence in over 15 year old adults having sore throat in Semnan Fatemieh hospital during 1999-2000


avatar Mojtaba Malek , * , avatar Mahnaz Niakan

How To Cite Malek M, Niakan M. Survey of the streptococcal pharyngitis prevalence in over 15 year old adults having sore throat in Semnan Fatemieh hospital during 1999-2000. koomesh. 2002;3(3):e151956. 


In troduction :Acute pharyngitis is an inflam a to ry syndrome in phary nx ca used by severa l various gro ups of microorganisms. Mos t infectio ns are viral among th e bacterial ca uses. "A" group streptococc us is the most important. Due to s imi la r ity of th e sympto ms a nd a lso the main comp lica t io ns of st re ptococcal pharyngitis, Knowing it's prevalence and the most common symptoms in thi s disease is importan t to treat the patien t. Materials and Methods: This is a descriptive cross -sectional study ca rried out on 20U ove r 15-year-old adults having so re th ro at in Semnan Fatcmieh Hospital. A qu estionaire co nta ining symptoms a nd s ig ns of dise ase was comple ted for patients, then a cult ure from th ro at was performed for each o ne. Finally, prevalence of the streptococcal pharyngitis, sensitivity, characte ristics of symptoms were eva lua ted by descr iptive sta tistics. Results: 56 % o r pa t ie nts we re fema le and 44% ma le , age me an amo ng was 28.82 year old with s tandard deviation 12.39. In 7.5% of cult ures media, s tr e ptococc us "A" had been grown . Erythema (76.5%) was the most common symptom in group "A", and then odyno phagia, myalgia, fever and ex ud at e , res pe ctivel y. Totally, th es e thr e e sympto ms feve r , exu dat e a n d lymph adenopathy arc the main fea tures with 96.2% specifi city. Conclusion: In this study, the level of the positive cultures considering "A" group streptococcus in patients more than IS-year-old is nearly equivalent to the normal population. Results indicating, using antibiotics forover IS-year- old patients is useless except having exudate, fever and lymphadenopathy