Modulation of spatial memory by amygdala’s glucocorticoid receptors


avatar Abbas Ali Vafaei , * , avatar Ali RashidiPor

How To Cite Vafaei A A, RashidiPor A. Modulation of spatial memory by amygdala’s glucocorticoid receptors. koomesh. 2002;3(3):e151958. 


Introduction: Previous study indicated that adrenocortical glucocrticoids are effectivness on memory sto ra ge in emotional sta te . The re are moderate density o f glucocortico id receptors in basol ater al amygdala (B LA ) th at may be invo lved in lea rn ing an d memory. The pre sent exper ime n t examined the rol e of glu co co rticoid antagonis t recepto r int o the basol a te ral amygdala (BLA) on spatial memo ry in Morris water Maze task. Materials and Methods : Male Long-Evans stra in rats were surgically implanted bilater ally with ca nn ulae aim ed at t he BLA in the br ain and we re tr ain cd to Mo rr is wat er Maze task . RU- 38486 (3 ng/0.6 ml per sid e ) as a glucocor ticoid an tag onist we re inj e ct ed bilatera lly intoBLA pr e -training and immcdiat ely, 60 and 120 min after t raining and pri rc treival test. The latency time (0 the fine plcxy glass platform and the length of swimming were used to me asur e the spatial memory. Results: Results indic ated th a t infusion of glucocortico id ant ago n is t pretrai ning a nd immediately and 60 min, but not 120 min after training into BLA significantly impaired retention performance. Injection of the drug before retrcival test did not any significant effect on animal performance. Conclusion: Th e above results show that glucocort icoid receptors plays an important role in acquisition and consolidation of spatial memory in Morr is water Maze task at least 60 min after training.