Comparison of time duration and frequency of electrical stimulation on wound healing


avatar MohammadReza Khatibi , * , avatar Mohammad Aghajani , avatar Sohrab Haji , avatar Hamid KolalianMoghadam

How To Cite Khatibi M, Aghajani M, Haji S, KolalianMoghadam H. Comparison of time duration and frequency of electrical stimulation on wound healing. koomesh. 2002;4(1):e151961. 


Introduction: It has been shown that the elec trical stimulation has improved th e skin blood circ ulat io n and wo und he ali ng in anima ls. T he prese nt study was co nducte d to de te rm in e a standa rd model of minimum curr e n t a nd period o f e le ctrical stimula tio n th at will in flue nce wound he aling. Materials and Methods: For this propose 35 mm incisions (35 mm leng th ) wer e made at the bac k o f Dutch rabbi ts. Due to the pr o pose previo us studies th e five gro ups animals were stimulated by the electrical impulses (80 Hz and 500 ms dura tion) as followed: Gro up one four times daily, 4 days, 10 min. Group two: four times da ily, 4 days, 30 min. Group th ree: one t ime daily, 4 days, 120 min. Group four: two times daily, 7 days, 30 min. Group five : four times daily, 7 days, 30 min. Group six: Received no electrical stimulation and considered as a control group. the wounds' length, area and period of healing were recor ded as well as the ten sile strength. Results: The results indicated that the duration of wou nds-healing in all experimental gro ups was significantly less than contro l group (P < 0.05). Conclusion: Regard to effects of electrical currents on the skin blood now and the least of e lect rica l st imula tio n in gro up one and sign ifica n tly reduced healing per iod in this group in compariso n with control gro up and other indices as well, we suppose that incre asing freq ue ncy of electrical stimulation while shortening time duration, improve the skin blood circulation and wound healing period while decreasing the side effects.