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R, Shabani
M. Comparison study of toxic effects of caffine administration on C57BL/6J mice during pregnancy in the presence of Phenobarbital. koomesh. 2002;4(1):e151963.
Introduction: Caffeine is a nature alka loid which is found in coffee, tea and co la co ntaining beverages. It is me tabolized by cytochro me P -4 ~0 e nzyme co mple x in th e live r. Since hi gh' consu mption of caffe ine in preg nant women may be induced sid e effects o n the fetal , in•this study we compared the effects of caf fein e admi nistration in preg nant C57BL/6J mice with and withou t induction of materna l metabolism by phenobarbita l. Materials and Methods : In this study 60 pregnant mice C57BL/6J were used. Caffeine was administrated orally or intraperiton aly. In both parts of study thr ee separat e gro ups of animals were used as follows: conto l (gro up 1), caffe ine alon e (group 2) and caffeine plus phe nobarbital (group 3) . On day 9 of gestation, groups 1, 2 and 3 received distilled water, caffeine (80 mglkg) and caffeine (80 mglkg) + phe nobarbita l (80 mglkg), respectively, by oral or IP administra tions. On days I I and 12 of gestation, caffeine (200 mglkg, IP) was administe red to gro ups 2 and 3. and contori gro up received distilled water. On day 17 of gesta tio n, all dams we re sacrificed and fetuses were removed, weighed and examined for exte rna l hematoma. Results: Results (weight of fetuses ) sh owed signific ant diffe rences between caffeine a nd phe nobar bita l plus caffcin groups in both o ra l o r IP adminis tra tio n cond it io ns (P
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