how to cite:
M, Barbarestani
M, Fazel
A, HabibiRezaei
M, Hossieni
M. Evaluation of lectin-binding sites in zona pellucida during ovarian cycle. koomesh. 2002;4(1):e151965.
Introduction: Glycoco njugates, par ticulary their sugar side chains, play importante ro les in development. This investigation was undertaken to examine the chemical nature of components in the zona pe llucida possibly related to follicular developmebt. Materials and Methods: To thi s e nd, lectins conj uga ted to horserad ish peroxidase were use d as speci fic h istoche mi ca l probes to cha ra c te r ize th e s t r uc t u re of zo na pellucid a glycoconjugates and changes in their composition du ring ovarian cycle . Results: Three lectins for N-acetylation of galactose and glucose inte nse ly sta ined th e zona pe llucida. Conclusion: These o bse rva tio ns suggest that the N-a ce tyl ga la ctosamine (Ga INAc) a nd N-Acety lgl ucosamine (G lcN Ac )- co nta in ing glyco conjugate s in zo na pe lluc id a may be of fu nc ti on al importa n t in folli cul a r develo pme nt. We ca n use th is da ta for ca usin g fe ma le infertility and to make special cotraceptive
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