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M, JamshidiFard
A, Naji
M. Small cell carcinoma of sphenoid sinus. koomesh. 2002;4(1):e151968.
Small ce ll carcino ma of lun g is a common ca ncer but in ot her o rgans, this tumor is reporte d rarely. In thi s pap er, we report a 5 1 years old women with sphenoid sinus tumor. clinical , H & Esta ining an d Immunohistochemi cal findings co nfirmed pr imary small ce ll carcinoma. In 6 month fo llow-up with local radiotherapy, th ere are n't evide nces of tumor in the lun g. H & E sta ining s ho ws an undi fferentiated tumor incl uding sm a ll ce lls . T h is tum or is dilfu s ly po sitive for syn apto physin, focally pos itive for chromogro nin, charac te ristic paranuclear punctate staining for cyto ke ratin and negative for S100 , desmin and TTF- L
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