Long–term antibody response and immunologic memory in children immunized with hepatitis B vaccine at birth


avatar MJ Saffar , * , avatar MohammadSadegh Rezaie

How To Cite? Saffar M, Rezaie M. Long–term antibody response and immunologic memory in children immunized with hepatitis B vaccine at birth. koomesh. 2004;5(1):e151996. 


Introduction: To evaluate the long-term immunity and immunologic memory provided by universal hepatitis B vaccination program at birth, and to evaluate the booster effects of different dosages of hepatitis B vaccine on children, who lost protective antibody titers to hepatitis B surface antigen (HBs – Ag), this study was conducted. Methods: community-based sero-epidemiologic study was done on 453 healthy 10.5 years old Iranian children, one decade after implementation of a mass hepatitis B vaccination program. A booster vaccination with different dosages was given for children who did not have protective level of anti-hepatitis B surface antigen antibody (anti-HBs). Quantitative serologic responses to different dosages of vaccine were compared using X2 statistical test. Results: A total of 42% children (191 of 453) children had low concentration (