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M A, Mosshtaghi
A. The study of indium distributions in rat liver, kidney and brain tissues. koomesh. 2004;5(3):e152019.
Introduction: Indium belonging to group IIIa, which is used in different industries and medical science. Therefore toxicity with this element is predictable. In this study, we to measure the concentration of indium in kidney, liver and brain. Pathological effects of indium to these tissues also have been studied. Material & Methods: After determination of LD50, 0.35-mg/Kg indium as InCl3 was injected (I.P) daily to rats for 60 days. Results: Concentration of indium in serum and hemogenate of liver, kidney and brain tissues determined by flameless atomic absorption, showed that indium concentration is more in the kidney and liver. Also, microscopic examination of these tissues shows increase damage of these two organs. Discussion: From forgoing results, we came to conclusion that damages caused by indium on these tissues is probably depend to the indium concentration in its.
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