The effective parameters on the patient satisfaction level of the referral patients to the out-patient physiotherapy clinics of the Semnan medical sciences university (second half of the year 2001)
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A H, HajHasani
A. The effective parameters on the patient satisfaction level of the referral patients to the out-patient physiotherapy clinics of the Semnan medical sciences university (second half of the year 2001). koomesh. 2005;6(2):e152049.
Introduction: The importance of the patient satisfaction (PS) has an effective role in the health management programing. In order to evaluate PS in the physiotherapy clinics of the Semnan Medical Sciences University, the present study has been designed. Materials and Methods: The satisfaction level of 400 referral patients (69% female and 31% male) to the physiotherapy clinics of the Rehabilitation Faculty was evaluated by the standard questionnaire during the year 1380 (second half). The Chi-Square test was used to evaluate the PS level according to the different field of the satisfaction and patient’s characteristics. Descriptive analysis was also used to express the PS level according to the patient’s characteristics. Results: The total PS was %17 for absolute satisfaction, %69.2 for relative satisfaction and %13.8 for non-satisfaction. Highest absolute satisfaction level (%51.5) was in the considering privacy aspect, while the lowest of absolute PS level (%24.1) was found in the programming and timming of treatment field (P
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