A Survey of iodine concentration in the iodine salts distributed in the province of Semnan in autumn 2004


avatar Seyed Mahmoud Mehdinia , * , avatar Hamid Reza Nasehinia , avatar Robabeh Gharibblok , avatar Razieh Azizi , avatar Mohammad Rezaei

How To Cite? Mehdinia S M, Nasehinia H R, Gharibblok R, Azizi R, Rezaei M. A Survey of iodine concentration in the iodine salts distributed in the province of Semnan in autumn 2004. koomesh. 2005;6(4):e152068. 


Introduction: Until now any nutrient in the world has not been so calamitous and dimensions of shortage of any nutrient have not been considered as Iodine. Effective role of iodine in constructing the secretions of tiroidy land and impression of these secretions in vital acts of human in fetal period, infancy, Maturing is the main reason for important of iodine. Our object in this research was, investigate amount of iodine in iodine salts distributed in Semnan province in autumn 2004, and compare it with standard and offer necessary proposals and solutions to resolve possible problem. Materials and Methods: We refer to all of the cooperative societies and whole sales in Semnan province’s cities to sample from Iodine salts and randomly select three packets from any kind of the salts in those centers. To insure that sampling occurred about any kinds of distributed iodine salts, we refer to some of the groceries in the cities. Samplings occur in three months of autumn and each month twice (First half and second half). Samples tested in chemical laboratory in Damghan health Faculty. To investigate amount of iodine in the iodine salts utilized of the titrasion method which Britain pharmacopeh recommended. Results: From 16 kinds of iodine salts distributed in Semnan province at the time of investigation 31.2 percent of iodine salts were out of acceptable range (30-50 ppm) and 12.5 percent had less than minimum acceptable amount of Iodine (30 ppm) and 18.7 percent had more than maximum acceptable amount of Iodine (50 ppm). Conclusion: The results of this research demonstrate that any of iodine salt distributed in Semnan province at the time of investigation does not observe standard 40 ppm and 31.2 percent of distributed iodine salts were out of acceptable range 30-50 ppm. Therefore, because of importance of this nutrient in human healthy and so much valuable role of it in vital acts of body in variant periods, necessary controls to produce iodine salts at standard limit and acceptable range for all of the iodine salts monufactorers and necessity of exact and continual supervise on these manufactories and continual sampling from iodine salts distributed in market and disposition and execute the necessary roles and provisions to prevent offending recommended.