Acute uterine inversion during cesarean section


avatar Sanam Moradan , *

How To Cite Moradan S. Acute uterine inversion during cesarean section. koomesh. 2005;6(4):e152076. 


Acute puerperal uterine inversion is a rare but dangerous obstetrical complication. If you delay the diagnosis it will induce to severe hemorrhage, shock and maternal death. The incidence of this dangerous complication is about 1 in 2100 to 1 in 25000 deliveries, which usually happens during third stage of labor or in first hours postpartum period. There are rare cases of acute uterine inversion during cesarean delivery. Rapid diagnosis and treatment of this complication that is treatable in most cases with manual maneuver and in some case with different surgical method can prevent dangerous complications. In this report acute uterine puerperal inversion happened during cesarean section in a 25 years old woman, primipara, term pregnancy with frank breech presentation. I decided to report this case because there are rare cases of acute puerperal uterine inversion during cesarean section.