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M, BehnamFar
F, AbdolKhoda
M, Mosavi
G. Evaluation of the effect of epidural anesthesia with marcaine and fentanyl on labor course and neonatal apgar scores. koomesh. 2006;7(1):e152082.
Introduction: Different approaches were used for shortening labor stages without inducing any side effects on mother and newborn. The aim of this clinical research was to study the effect of epidural anesthesia with marcaine and fentanyl on labor course and neonatal apgar scores. Material and Methods: 100 subjects divided into two groups: labor with epidural anesthesia (n=50), and labor without epidural anesthesia (n=50). The age, weight and parity of both groups were matched. The former group injected intra epidurally with 7cc hyperbaric marcaine + 7cc distillated water + 25µg fentanyle. The later group injected vehicle solutions. Then, labor stages and newborn apgar scores in 1st and 5 th minutes were measured in both groups. Results: Two methods had the same apgar scores in 1st and 5 th minutes after birth (P = 0.749). In epidural anesthesia group, the first stage, but not second and third stages of labor was shorter than normal labor) P = 0.0301). Also in epidural anesthesia group, pain severity of episiotomy site was subsided faster than normal labor. Conclusion: According to the results of this study the epidural labor analgesia with two marcaine and fentanyle drugs was safer and better approach than normal labor.
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