A study on the attitude of student about complications of Ecatasy abuse in Tehran


avatar Maryam DelavariHeravi , * , avatar Malieh NoriSistani , avatar Akbar Ahmadi

How To Cite DelavariHeravi M, NoriSistani M, Ahmadi A. A study on the attitude of student about complications of Ecatasy abuse in Tehran. koomesh. 2007;8(2):e152129. 


Introduction: Nowadays, addiction is considered as one of the greatest social and health problems. Basically, the youth have more tendency toward new artificial addictive drugs rather than traditional opiate drugs. Given the aim for producing these artificial addictive drugs, it will clear that these drugs, chemical or artificial, are produced merely to be used. In other words, teenagers have more tendency toward these attractive drugs. This study was performed to understand the attitude of students about the effects of ecstasy abuse. Matrials and Methods: The present research is a cross-sectional study. Using randomized cluster application, 140 students were chosen from the management students who studying in Tehran University and the Iran University of Medical Sciences. Data were collected through questionnaires. Results: Most students had an average attitude. Average attitude was 32.1 ± 3.61 SD among the students of Iran University of Medical Sciences, while it was 31.1 ± 3.7 SD for the sudents of Tehran University. Using statistical analyze, we found that there is no meaningful relationship between students attitude and background variables such as age, sex and marital status, employment and living in university accomodations. This finding might show that the education level and employment of student parents has no influence on students attitude. Conclsuion: Considering this fact that most of the students had an average attitude and in order to preventing drug abuse, using the social models and norms who can have effect the youth such as TV and cinema artists, athletes, school and university teachers and professors, newspaper and radio are suggested. In addition, performing the comprehensive educational courses are recommended for all students at different ages.