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B, GholiZadePasha
A. Comparing the early complications of surgical wounds in two methods of open surgery and laparoscopy in Milad Hospital. koomesh. 2007;8(3):e152144.
Introduction: Incidence of early wound related complications was assessed in laparoscopic versus open abdominal surgeries. Complications of surgical wounds (esp. wound infections) are considered as a major problem in surgery wards. Complications of surgical wounds are classified as early and late. Common and early complications are hematoma, seruma and wound in fection. Materials and Methods: Medical records of 104 elective laparoscopic (A) and 106 diagnosis matched open surgeries (B) including appendectomy, cholecystectomy, ventral hernia repair, and bariatric surgery were prospectively reviewed. Study data included patients`sex, age, wound class, type of operation, and occurrence of early wound related complications. Surgical wounds were evaluated for presence of early complications during the post-op period and 10 to 15 days after the operation. Result: The two groups were not different with respect to age, sex and wound classes. No patients in group A and 7 patients in group B developed wound infection. (P
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