Survey of personal and educational characters in unsuccess medical students in compare with success students


avatar Mozafar Khazaei ORCID , * , avatar Mansor Rezaie , avatar Sedighe Khazaei

How To Cite Khazaei M, Rezaie M, Khazaei S. Survey of personal and educational characters in unsuccess medical students in compare with success students. koomesh. 2008;9(2):e152176. 


Introduction: Educational failure and dropping out are among the major problems of higher education centers in the country. The present study was performed to compare personal and educational characters of success and unsuccessful medical students in the medical school of Kermanshah. Materials and Methods: Information about personal and educational characters were collected from all dropped out students, as unsuccessful group, and the students without dropping out and with a educational score more than 15, as control (success) group, during 2001 and 2005. Data analysis was carried out using SPSS software. To compare mean quantitative factors in two groups, in-depended T test and F test were used, chi-square and fisher test used for qualitative factors, and Pierson correlation coefficient calculated. Results: There was a significant difference between two successful and unsuccessful students groups with regard to age, sex, diploma score, time gap between graduation from high school and studying in university, parents education, marital status, students job, quota system and mean of all specialized lesson in Konkor examination (p