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F, HajiZade
E, Hoseinian
E. Survival rate in MI patients. koomesh. 2008;9(2):e152183.
Introduction: Today, heart diseases are the most common mortality causes in many of the world countries. According to current statistics, mortality rate from MI have been increased in Iran. The aim of this study was to determine survival rate and its effective cause in MI patients.
Material and Methods: This analytical-descriptive study was performed on 800 MI patients in Ardabil Bouali hospital. One year follow-up was carried out for all patiens and data collected through a questionnaire. The reliability and validity of questionnaire had been earlier evaluated using Cronbach's alpha in 30 samples pilot study. Data analysis was caried out by statistical methods such as: Kaplan-Maier for survival rate and log-rank test for comparison survival mean in two groups using SPSS software. Cox regression model and survival graph was used for predictive effective causes on survival rate.
Results: Age mean of patients was. For one-year follow-up, mortality rate was 10.5% for all patients. 72.8% of patients were male and 27.2% female. 47.4% of patient was smoker, 33.4% have a HTN history, 18.1% were diabetic and 15.3% had high lipid. Survival rate in first ten days, first month and a year following MI was 0.95, 0.93 and 0.91, respectively. Effective causes in patient’s survival rate were DM, HTN, SK and EF.
Discussion: knowing survival rate and effective causes in MI patients, we can provide a better service as well as spatially works to control MI and decrease mortality rate from MI and also increase survival time in patients.
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