Bilateral responses of trapezius muscle to transcranial magnetic stimulation in normal subjects


avatar Behroz Tavana , avatar Fatemeh Dehghanni , * , avatar Zahra RezaSoltani , avatar Farid RezaieMoghadam , avatar Kamran Azma , avatar Mahsa Asheghan , avatar Sharif Najafi

How To Cite? Tavana B, Dehghanni F, RezaSoltani Z, RezaieMoghadam F, Azma K, et al. Bilateral responses of trapezius muscle to transcranial magnetic stimulation in normal subjects. koomesh. 2008;9(3):e152191. 


Introduction: Motor evoked potentials (MEPs) can be elicited in trapezius and other axial muscles by ipsilateral transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) .The purpose of this study is to compare the relative amplitudes and latencies of ipsilateral versus contralateral responses to TMS from trapezius muscle of normal subjects. Materials and Methods: MEPs were bilaterally recorded during complete relaxation and voluntary contraction from upper trapezius muscle in 40 healthy right handed subjects by TMS in right and left hemispheres.base-to-peak amplitude and latency of MEP were measured for each muscle on both sides. Results: At rest, a contralateral response was obtained in 45 trpezius muscles. Ipsilateral responses were observed in 11 muscles (latency contra-lateral and ipsilateral 9.8ms and 15.5 ms, respectively, P