The effects of GH and PDGF on the growth and proliferation of the epithelial cells


avatar Manoucher Safari , * , avatar Mitra Emami , avatar Behpor Yosefi , avatar Laya Ghahari , avatar Raheb Ghorbani ORCID

How To Cite Safari M, Emami M, Yosefi B, Ghahari L, Ghorbani R. The effects of GH and PDGF on the growth and proliferation of the epithelial cells. koomesh. 2008;9(3):e152196. 


Introduction: Epithelial is an important tissue in our body. The human epithelium forms a barrier between the external and internal environment. Natural process of wound healing e.g. ischemia, necrotic tissues and infection is a concept that has been in practice for a long time. Large full thickness wounds don’t heal spontaneously and are life treating. The closure of large wounds, when there is limited availability of autologous split skin grafts, has been a significant challenge to burns surgeons over the last century. Material & Methods: Rat keratinocytes were isolated from pups 1 DIV and cultured according to the to the protocol already described by Dulgos et al. Keratinocytes Isolated and were cultured in flask 75cm for 7 days ,then different concentrations of PDGF or GH were added daily for 6 days . Finally MTT test were done for all of wells(Case and Control) . Results were analyzed by Excel & SPSS. Results: Results of current study showed that keratinocytes culture were successfully established. There were two kinds of cells after 7 days in vitro. Both of the factors could stimulate cells reproduction. Count of cells between concentrations of 10 – 200 ng of PDGF was significant (P