Effect of modified lumbosacral orthoses on treatment of patients with spondylolysis


avatar Fatemeh Zarezadeh , avatar MohammadAli Mardani , avatar MOKHTAR ARAZPOOR , * , avatar Mahmod BahramiZadeh

How To Cite? Zarezadeh F, Mardani M, ARAZPOOR M, BahramiZadeh M. Effect of modified lumbosacral orthoses on treatment of patients with spondylolysis. koomesh. 2009;10(4):e152252. 


Introduction: In this study, the effect of modified lumbo sacral orthoses on lordosis and lumbosacral angle and reliving pain and functional disability was investigated. Materials and Methods: 30 patients (19 females, 11 males) with spondylolysis (aged between 22-57 years) were sampled in a simple randomized manner. They had a history of low back pain for 30.7 (in average) months. Modified lumbo sacral orthoses was prescribed for 3 months (23 hours daily). The brace was unique, bridged between xyphoid process to pubic symphysis anteriorly and seventh lumbar vertebrae to gluteal prminency posteriorly. Results: Our results show that 3-months using the modified lumbo sacral orthoses resulted in significant decrement in pain and improvement in functional ability of patients. Although lordosis and lumbosacral angles decreased to 2.21 and 0.92 degrees, respectively, but these changes were not significant. Finally, patients with the lower duration of low back pain showed better results. Conclusion: Our findings indicate that the modified lumbosacral orthoses, as a non-invasive procedure, can be used for conservative treatments in spondylolysis patients