Effects of cochlear implantation and associated rehabilitation services on the development of verbal and non-verbal intelligence of 6-9 years old deaf children with cochlear implants


avatar Seyed basir Hashemi , avatar leila monshizadeh , * , avatar Abbass AliPor

how to cite: Hashemi S B, monshizadeh L, AliPor A. Effects of cochlear implantation and associated rehabilitation services on the development of verbal and non-verbal intelligence of 6-9 years old deaf children with cochlear implants. koomesh. 2011;13(1):e152494. 


  Introduction: Children with profound sensorineural hearing loss are at risk for language delays that can impact their academic and social development. A suitable way to develop speech and language of deaf children is cochlear implantation (CI). The main propose of this study is the evaluation of child's development in language skills like information, similarities, arithmetic, vocabulary and comprehension after CI surgery and rehabilitation.   Materials and Methods: This quasi - experimental study was conducted in Shiraz CI center during 2008-2009. For this reason we did the Raven test on all of the CI children of Fars CI center, who were at least 6 years old and had finished their rehabilitation program about 3 years ago. After that we selected 23 cases that had the selection criteria for answering the verbal part of Wechsler intelligence scale for children (WISC -R). For statistical analysis we used SPSS software version 11.5.   Results: The verbal intelligence quotient (IQ) developed after surgery and rehabilitation program of CI children, but was not the same as normal children of their age. The most important factors that affect this, is child's age and family education. Also there was no significant relation between verbal and non-verbal IQ.   Conclusion: Although CI is a suitable way to increase verbal IQ, and cognitive development, for better results, it's recommended in children under 3 years.