Psychometric properties of Spector’s job satisfaction survey in the Iranian population


avatar Ali Akbar AkbariTabar , avatar hamidreza mokarami , * , avatar Morteza Nazifi , avatar Amid Rahi , avatar Ehsane MirKamandar , avatar Medhi HoseinPori

How To Cite? AkbariTabar A A, mokarami H, Nazifi M, Rahi A, MirKamandar E, et al. Psychometric properties of Spector’s job satisfaction survey in the Iranian population. koomesh. 2013;14(3):e152585. 


 Introduction: Job satisfaction is one of the important variables in the evaluation of work health. Job satisfaction survey developed by Paul Spector to measure this variable in job settings. The aim of this study was to examine the psychometric properties of Spector’s Job Satisfaction (JSS) Survey in Iran. Materials and Methods: In this study, Spector’s questionnaire was translated in Persian languge. A sample of 415 employees in Kerman (Iran) hospitals participated in this study and filled out the questionnaires.  Results: Cronbach’s alpha reliability analysis showed appropriate item-total correlations for subscales and a good total scale internal consistency. An exploratory factor analysis (EFA) identified 6 factors in participants’ reponses which could explain 65.44 percent of the total variance altogether. Conclusion: EFA identified dimensions of pay, promotion, supervision, coworkers, nature of work, and communication. These findings showed that JSS has a good construct validity and internal consistency. Persian translation of JSS is a reliable and valid measure to assess job satisfaction in Iran