The association between fruit, vegetable consumptions and childhood asthma at 2-8 years: A case-control study


avatar Sima Eshnoei , avatar Hamidreza KhalKhali , avatar Shaker Salarilak ORCID , * , avatar Mohammad Hosein RahimiRad , avatar Mohammad KaramYar

How To Cite? Eshnoei S, KhalKhali H, Salarilak S, RahimiRad M H, KaramYar M. The association between fruit, vegetable consumptions and childhood asthma at 2-8 years: A case-control study. koomesh. 2014;15(2):e152633. 


Introduction: There are growing evidences showing protective effects of fruit and vegetables with lower risk of asthma. The aim of this study was to investigate the association between fresh fruits and vegetables consumption in dietary pattern and the risk of developing childhood asthma. Materials and Methods: A case - control study was performed among children at 2 - 8 years. Subjects were children aged between 2-8 years old. Cases were asthmatic children diagnosed based on GINA criteria (n=207) and controls were children without asthma symptoms (n=414). Cases and controls were matched for age and gender. Information related to fruits, vegetables intakes and other effected factors were collected using ISSAC phase three questionnaire which completed by interviewing with parents. The association of dietary patterns with risk of asthma was analyzed by multiple logistic regressions using STATA 10 software. Results: Asthmatic patients had lower intake of fresh fruits, vegetables and potatoes in comparison with control group. Protective effects were found for consumption of fruits, vegetables, potato for 3 or more times a week (OR frutis: 0.36, 95% CI: 0.19-0.68 , P = 0.002 , OR vegetables:0.74 , 95% CI: 0.51-1.07, P = 0.11). Conclusion: Our findings indicate that three or more intake of fruits and vegetables have a protectiveeffect in the risk of childhood asthma at 2-8 years .