Derivation of definitive endoderm from human induced pluripotent stem cells using signaling molecules


avatar Elham hoveizi ORCID , * , avatar Mohammad Nabiuni , avatar Mohammad Massumi , avatar Kazem Parivar

How To Cite? hoveizi E, Nabiuni M, Massumi M, Parivar K. Derivation of definitive endoderm from human induced pluripotent stem cells using signaling molecules. koomesh. 2014;15(2):e152636. 


Introduction: In recent years, the idea of being able to replace the destruction of insulin-producing beta cells of the pancreas by introducing new cells to repairthe damaged areas has become an accepted potential treatment for Diabetes mellitus. The idea to generate pluripotent stem (iPS) cells specific from diabetic patient and differentiate to insulin-producing cells has opened a new window to using of iPS cells as new source for cell therapy of diabetes without being worried about the immunologica rejection or ethical issues. Materials and Methods: In the present study, iPS cells were directly generated from the human conjunctive-stromal cells and they were subjected to embryoid body formation for 5 days and differntiatied to definitive endoderm cells usingActivin A and Wnt3a. Results: Differentiated cells were subjected to qRT-PCR using primers for FoxA2 and Sox17 genes as marker of definitive endoderm. Conclusion: To confirm the result in the level of protein the immucocytochemistry will be undertaken. In conclusionthe result of this study can clarify the effect of Activein A and Wnt3a in definitve endoderm derivation of iPS and will utilize these cells as precursors for cell therapy for hepatic and diabetics disease