Huge Granulose cell tumor of ovary during postmeopausal period: A case report


avatar Sanam Moradan , *

How To Cite Moradan S. Huge Granulose cell tumor of ovary during postmeopausal period: A case report. koomesh. 2014;15(2):e152643. 


Introduction: Granulose cell tumors are rare type of ovarian tumors and they are non epithelial cell tumors. Theses tumors usually present in adult age group and the peak of incidence are 50 to 55 years old. The mean size of tumors is 13 cm in most of studies and their size are variable from millimeters to 20cm. These tumors usually diagnosed in early stages but they may recur after years. These tumors secrete inhibin and usually surgery alone is enough for treatment. Case report: A 76 years old woman presented with complaint of abdominal pain, vaginal bleeding and progressive distention of abdomen. Radiologic work up showed that there was huge abdominal mass and high serum CA125 level. The patient was under went laparatomy and there was a huge Right ovarian tumor about 30cm with ascitis in pelvic cavity. Total abdominal hystrectomy and bilateral salping-oophrectomy with surgical staging was done. The result of pathology was granulosa cell tumor of ovary stage IC. The patient was referred to oncologist for further treatment. Conclusion: The Granulosa cell tumor of ovary may be present in advanced age with huge size and ascitis without involvements of others organ. So , in post menopause age if there is pelvic or abdominal tumor with high serum level of CA125 granulosa cell tumor of ovary should be considered and it is necessary to have long term follow-up because late recurrence of theses tumors