The efficacy of diaphragmatic breathing practice on respiratory function, balance, and quality of life in elderly women


avatar Fatemeh Mahdi Abadi , avatar shahabeddin Bagheri , * , avatar yasin hoseini

How To Cite Mahdi Abadi F, Bagheri S, hoseini Y. The efficacy of diaphragmatic breathing practice on respiratory function, balance, and quality of life in elderly women. koomesh. 2022;24(5):e152768. 


Introduction: Introduction: The respiratory system affects the motor control and stability of the body, especially in the elderly. The present study aimed to determine the effect of diaphragmatic breathing practice on respiratory function, balance, and quality of life in elderly women. Materials and Methods: Forty elderly women with a mean age of 72.40 years participated in this study voluntarily. Subjects were randomly divided into diaphragmatic breathing practice (DBP) (n=20) and control (n=20) groups. The experimental group performed diaphragmatic breathing exercises for 6 weeks, 3 sessions per week under the supervision of an instructor, and 3 sessions in the form of exercises at home in 3 sets. Respiratory function with respiration rate per minute and breath-holding time tests, static with sharpened Romberg test, and dynamic balance timed-get up and go and quality of life with Lipad 31-statement QOL questionnaire were assessed in both groups before and after exercise. Data analysis was performed with repeated measures ANOVA at a significance level of P<0.05. Results: The number of breaths was reduced (23%) significantly in the experimental group (P<0.001). duration of confinement in the deep-breath position (25%) and duration of breath-holding in the deep-exhalation position (42%) increased significantly in the experimental group (P<0.001). Additionally, static (P=0.002) and dynamic (P<0.001) balance indexes were improved significantly in the experimental group after diaphragmatic breathing exercises. Diaphragmatic breathing exercises have also significant effects on the quality of life of elderly women (P=0.005). Conclusion: Diaphragmatic breathing exercises can significantly improve respiratory function; the number of breaths, holding the breath, and exhalations; static balance, dynamic balance, and quality of life in older women. Therefore, using these exercises for courses of prevention, performance improvement, and Rehabilitation is recommended for different people and ages.


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