Design and construction of evaporative local cooling coatings and evaluate their efficiency in improving some perceptual indicators in laboratory conditions


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How To Cite jahadinaeini M. Design and construction of evaporative local cooling coatings and evaluate their efficiency in improving some perceptual indicators in laboratory conditions. koomesh. 2022;24(6):e152790. 


Introduction: One way to reduce the level of heat strain is to use personal evaporative cooling coats. such as the wrist, ankle, head and neck. The purpose of this study is to design, construct, and determine the cooling power of local cooling coatings and evaluate their efficiency in improving perceptual indicators in the laboratory. Materials and Methods: Initially, the design and construction of local cooling coatings were performed using anthropometry. Then the cooling power of the mentioned coatings was calculated. Finally, the efficiency of the coatings designed to improve perceptual indicators on 16 students (8 men and 8 women) was tested in a climate chamber with a temperature of 35 ± 0.23°C and a temperature of 30±5%. Results: The average cooling power of cooling coats at 30% relative humidity at 30°C, 35°C and 40°C was 67, 77 and 89 watts, respectively. At the mentioned temperature and in 60% relative humidity, the cooling power was 34, 40 and 55 watts. As the relative humidity increased, the cooling power of the coats decreased. Also, the mean of thermal sensation and heat comfort during activity with a cooling cover and without a cooling cover in sitting and walking treadmill positions were significant (P-value≤0.05). Conclusion: Local evaporative cooling coat on the head, neck, wrists and ankles can be reasonably effective in repelling excess heat entering the body and improving perceptual indicators. The best performance of these coats is in hot and dry environments.


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