Organoids: from engineering to medical applications, a review article


avatar Lari Lari , * , avatar Fatemeh Jameie , avatar Milad Rezaei

how to cite: Lari L, Jameie F, Rezaei M. Organoids: from engineering to medical applications, a review article. koomesh. 2023;25(6):e152856. 


Introduction: Organoids are small and three-dimensional structures that are similar to natural body organs in terms of components and functions. The technology of using organoids is a new and exciting issue that has created the prospect that individual and complex sets of tissues can be created in the laboratory environment for each patient. This review aims to summarise the current knowledge in the field of designing organoids. For this purpose, we examine the production technology of different tissue organoids and discuss the prospects and disadvantages of using organoids. Materials and Methods: The present study is a descriptive review study. In this research, published articles related to this research were searched in PubMed and Scopus databases. Articles in the field of matrix design and cells used in organoid tissue engineering as well as new findings in organoid design were used in this study. Conclusion: Organoid tissue culture provides scientists a detailed view of how organs form and grow, as well as new insights into human development and disease, Also the opportunity to study how drugs interact with these “small organs" potentially revolutionizes the field of drug development and opens new approaches for personalized medicine. It is hoped that this article will pave the way for the use of this technology in Iran.
