Cytomegalovirus infection in renal transplant recipients


avatar Saeed Valizadeh , *

How To Cite? Valizadeh S. Cytomegalovirus infection in renal transplant recipients. koomesh. 1999;1(1):e152870. 


Introduction . Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is an ubiquitous agant that rarely causes diseases In normal human population. It IS an important path ogen for immunosuppressed patients such as organ transplant recipients. CMV infection, specially viremic and primary, may cause severe diseases such as pneumonia, hepatitis and chorioretintis or even death in rena l transplant recipients . The incidence and severity of CMV disease and infection are affected by severa l factors such as immunosuppressive drug regimen and serostatus of kidney donnors and recipients.The aim of the this study was to determine CMV infection in renal transplant recipients. Materials and Methods. Between May and September 1991, we have studied 28 patients who rece ived a ren al transplant for CMV infection at Taleghany hospital of Tehran. CMV active infection was determined by Enzayme- Linked Immunossorbent Assay (ELISA) and Passive Hemagglotination (PHA) meth ods. Results. CMV ant ibody seroconvertion fourfold or greater rise in CMV antibodies were considered active CMV infection. From 28 patients who were studied, 22 (%78.6) had shown active infection with ELISA method while it was detected in 16 (%57.1) patients with PHA method. Since all patients were seropositive before transplantation, no case of primary infection was detect ed. Conclution. The above findings show CMV infection in ren al transpalnt recipients in Iran is high and all the detected infections are secondary