
Psychometric properties of the adherence questionnaire in patients with chronic disease: A mix method study

Naima Seyed FatemiNaima Seyed Fatemi, Forough RafiiForough Rafii, Ebrahim HajizadehEbrahim Hajizadeh, Mahnaz ModanlooMahnaz ModanlooMahnaz Modanloo ORCID,*

Koomesh:Vol. 20, issue 2; 179-191
Published online:Apr 02, 2018
Article type:Research Article
Received:Jul 02, 2017
Accepted:Jan 02, 2018
How to Cite:Naima Seyed FatemiForough RafiiEbrahim HajizadehMahnaz ModanlooPsychometric properties of the adherence questionnaire in patients with chronic disease: A mix method study.20(2):e152948.



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