Postoperative net survival of gastric adenocarcinoma at Imam Khomeini hospital in Tehran: Estimating in a relative-survival framework


avatar Fatemeh Paknazar , avatar mahmood mahmoudi ORCID , * , avatar Kazem Mohammad , avatar Hojjat Zeraati , avatar Mohammad Ali Mansournia , avatar Mahdi Yaseri , avatar Amir Molaei

how to cite: Paknazar F, mahmoudi M, Mohammad K, Zeraati H, Mansournia M A, et al. Postoperative net survival of gastric adenocarcinoma at Imam Khomeini hospital in Tehran: Estimating in a relative-survival framework. koomesh. 2018;20(4):e153005. 


Introduction: Adenocarcinoma is the most common form of gastric cancer with relatively high mortality and morbidity in Iran. In this way, the aim of this study was to estimating postoperative net survival for patients with gastric Adenocarcinoma in Iran in the context of relative survival regarding its value and accuracy as a useful indicator. Materials and Methods: Data analysis was performed on gastric adenocarcinoma patients undergoing curative surgical treatment followed by subsequent supplementary therapies in Imam Hospital in Tehran during the years 1995 to 1999 (follow up to 2004). While describing the data with frequency and life table, the net survival of 1- to 5-year was estimated via the multiple models based on the underlying factors using stata software. Results: Data of 281 patients with a mean age of 66.0 ± 10.8 (200 males and 81 females) with gastric Adenocarcinoma followed up for a maximum of 10 years was used. Among all 214 patients (76.2%) were diagnosed at stages 3 and 4 of the disease.Noticeably, the survival of 1- and 5- year for patients was 68.27 (95% CI: 62.17 -73.69) and 22.17 (95% CI: 16.39-28.63), respectively. The minimum amount for the specific survival rate was 77.76% for the time interval of 1 to 1.5 years. Conclusion: The risk of death from this illness is more likely to occur within 1 to 2 years after surgery. While statistical healing can be considered to be from the seventh year onwards. Patients diagnosed at higher stages and who use less complementary therapies have less survival


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