Effect of Hatha Yoga exercises on quality of life in patients under hemodialysis


avatar Elaheh Mahmoudi , avatar Vida Shafipour , avatar Hedayat Jafari , * , avatar Rezaali Mohammad pour , avatar Einollah Mollaei

how to cite: Mahmoudi E, Shafipour V, Jafari H, Mohammad pour R, Mollaei E. Effect of Hatha Yoga exercises on quality of life in patients under hemodialysis. koomesh. 2018;20(4):e153010. 


Introduction: Patients under hemodialysis (HD) experience lower quality of life. Although positive effect of Hata Yoga exercises on QoL have been showed, it has not been investigated among patients under HD. Thus, the aim was to determine the effect of Hata Yoga exercises on quality of life in patients under HD. Materials and Methods: In this randomized controlled clinical trial, 32 patients under HD in the 5 Azar tertiary hospital in Gorgan (Iran) in 2016 were selected according to inclusion criteria and were divided into two groups of intervention and control by simple randomization method. For data collection, demographic and clinical data form and SF- 36 quality of life questionnaire were used. The intervention group did Hata Yoga exercises for twice a week, 45- minute for each time during 12 weeks. The control group received no intervention. Relatively, quality of life was assessed before and at the end of the study. Results: Demographic and clinical data did not differ significantly between the two groups at the beginning of the study (P>0.05). Mean of quality of life score for physical aspectin intervention and control group was 60.69 ± 16.14 and 48.48 ± 25.05 (P = 0.112) and for psychological aspect was 63.03 ± 12.74 and 51.02 ± 19.44 (P = 0.048), respectively that only was significantly different in the psychological aspect. Conclusion: Findings showed that Hata Yoga exercise can improve quality of life in patients under HD in the psychological aspect.


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